1. You can make a difference in someone else's life.
2. You may even be making a difference in the lives of people you don't even know - if you are kind to someone, maybe you'll inspire them to be kind to someone else, and on and on and on.
3. Kindness makes you happier. As Theo explains to Chloe and Lucy in THE KINDNESS CLUB: "It's the serotonin. The more of it your body releases, the happier you feel. And serotonin is released when you act kind, and when someone is kind to you." (more info here)
4. Kindness may help you live longer. (more info here)
5. Once day you may need a kindness in return.
Do you have more reasons? Email me! I want to hear all about them. I may even add them to the list - and I'll include your name!